Why I'm doing this...

Some people may wonder why I have decided to live a healthier life. Aside from the obvious reasons, here are some other reasons...

1. I am tired of how I look and how I feel. I'm not comfortable in a lot of clothes I own and am definitely not comfortable going without a shirt in public. The funny thing is, I don't remember the last time I was comfortable going without a shirt in public. I know that these reasons may sound a little vain, but I don't care. How can anyone expect to live a truly happy life if they aren't happy with themselves?

2. I don't really eat unhealthy as it is, but I know I could eat better. Who knows what all these processed foods do to your body. The United States is the fattest country in the world and I think it's partly because of all the processed foods. Look at France. Their food is covered in butter and other fats but the people aren't fat. Why? Because they eat real food. Processed foods are harder for your body to digest causing you to gain fat. The biggest example of this is High Fructose Corn Syrup. I'm not saying it's a horrible thing that will kill you, but what's wrong with regular sugar from the earth? Basically, I just want to eat foods that are "real" and I know this will help me be healthier.

3. This one isn't a huge deal, but I know it will help me feel better. I want to look better for my wife. I know she doesn't mind and that she would love me no matter what I looked like, but I'm sure she wouldn't mind if I was stronger and looked a little healthier.

So, that's why I'm doing it... I don't really care if it helps me live longer or if people think I look good. I'm doing it because I want to look better for me (and my wife) and to feel better.

Oh, and in case you were wondering, I was 173.5 lbs this morning!


jax said...

How are things going? Any new progress?

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