I Wish I Hadn't Eaten That...

Last night my wife, my parents, and I had to run some errands, so we decided to go out to eat. After spending some time trying to figure out where we could go so everyone would be happy, we decided on O'Charley's. It's similar to Applebee's and TGIF, but a little nicer. I was starving, so I didn't really care where we went, but I was sure I could find something there. I ended up getting a cheeseburger. Or, pretty much what I always get when we eat out. Since it's so rare that we do eat out, I always figured I didn't really have to worry about what I ate when we went out, but I ended up eating less than half of the burger and only a few fries. I felt disgusting afterward.

I'm not sure if it's because I have been eating better food, if my body isn't used to that type of food anymore, or if their burger just wasn't that good, but my body and stomach did not like what I put in it last night. I have no problem eating ground beef at home, but maybe that's because we try to buy leaner meat to use when we cook. Either way, I have decided to stay away from those kinds of foods for a while. From now on when we eat out, I will stick to chicken, fish, or maybe the occasional steak. No more french fries and no more greasy foods. Period. (Until we are in California and I might have to go to In n' Out)

I am really hoping this is a good thing and it's my body's way of telling me that it likes fresh fruit and veggies, doesn't want me eating fatty foods, and wants me to eat more foods like I eat at home. I'm not really a big salad person, but last night, my mom and wife both got salads that looked amazing. Oh, the benefit of hindsight. That's what I'm having next time!

So, here is to my new way of looking at food... I'm eating healthy at home, so I might as well eat healthy everywhere else. I also have another theory... Most foods that you eat with your hands, aren't that good for you. Maybe with the exception of sandwiches depending on what you put on them and fresh fruit, of course. But, pizza, burgers, french fries, fried chicken -- not so good. So, another plan I have is this; if you are supposed to eat it with your hands, I'm not supposed to eat it.


Caleb Waters said...

Just read your whole blog thus far. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. bro, i was like high school track man and now im like joe the plumber. well not exactly but hey i weigh 230 pounds most of it muscle. i just want to get rid of my beer gut etc and comfort weight after getting married. i started p90x and it is amazing.

i highly suggest that you adopt this lifestyle of working out 30 min a day for 6. make it a part of your life. if you miss a day cause your heading out with family or something else comes up on the next day you dont have to worry, because regardless of the fact that you missed two days of working out you have the support of your lifestyle change to easily put you back on the right track.

i took a nutrition 101 class at my job. fantastic. i know your not a vegatarian etc but if you focus on fruits veggies nuts and beans your body will thank you beyond belief. i stopped drinking soda in 8th grade suprisingly, of course the occational with drinks and or eating out but its rare that you see me drinking soda. support youself as well by drinking a ton of water.this you already know.

most of all. celebrate the fact that your trying to be the best Lars that you can be by working out and eating better. at times it seems like its the only thing we have left for personal freedom and development.

jax said...

I know what you mean. Brian and I went out to Pizza Friday night and I mostly had salad and only one slice of pizza, but my stomach was doing flips on me and it didn't settle well. I haven't had fast food in almost 3 weeks and I'm feeling better. I had a couple of fries the other day and 2 mini candies today, and each time I ate one of those things, immediately after, all I could think was "why did you do that! You didn't need it, you just ate it because it was there" and that's something I need to change about myself. Good luck and I think You've done an awesome job so far, just keep it up!

Lcroundy said...

You are doing really good on your eating habits. You just need to work on your smoking habit. I know I'm one to talk - but I don't have 50 years ahead of me .... at least I hope I don't live to 107! Remember, no kids until you stop smoking and you can use all that extra energy you get to focus on marketing!

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